Feb 17, 2021
Learn how to build a black soldier fly bin to supplement your chicken feed with healthy, protein-rich food. This is the audio version of an article from the March/April 2021 issue of Grit magazine.
Music is "Golly Gosh" by Les Hayden.
Feb 15, 2021
In this episode of Mother Earth News and
Friends, Queren King-Orozco, known as Q, shares piles of
information for beginners on how to get started with chicks. Learn
how to prepare for them and what to do once they arrive; how to
house them; and lots about their health and behavior.
Queren King-Orozco lives on a...
Feb 10, 2021
Return neglected forest to balanced, healthy state with restoration forestry and mitigate wildfires on your land. This is the audio version of an article from the March/April 2021 issue of Grit magazine.
Feb 9, 2021
In this episode of Mother Earth News and Friends, Dr. Jacquie Jacob and editor Jessica Mitchell chat about chicken eggs – how they develop, what’s in them, and how to address incubation challenges so that you hatch healthy chicks.
Feb 3, 2021
In this episode of Hank's Hack, Hank and Carla chat about “why homestead”, all sorts of different ways to be happy in the land and as self-sufficient as you want.
Hank Will has farmed since childhood and been involved in innovative crop management, as well as earning a PhD in the bio-sciences. He now runs Prairie...