Mar 2, 2022
By Michelle Marine, read by Carla Tilghman. Learn 10 ways to incorporate agritourism and potentially earn extra income on your own farm. This is the audio version of an article from the May/June 2022 issue of Countryside.
For more great articles on livestock and land management, large and small farming, and even bees,...
Feb 3, 2021
In this episode of Hank's Hack, Hank and Carla chat about “why homestead”, all sorts of different ways to be happy in the land and as self-sufficient as you want.
Hank Will has farmed since childhood and been involved in innovative crop management, as well as earning a PhD in the bio-sciences. He now runs Prairie...
Feb 20, 2020
In this episode of Mother Earth News and Friends, Karen Solomon, food-preservation author, talks about canning, food preservation, local sourcing, and food sustainability.
Mar 14, 2019
In this episode of Mother Earth News and Friends, Chris McClellan (aka Uncle Mud) discusses how to build a home out of natural materials and the legal nuances that come with these structures.
Uncle Mud (aka Chris McClellan)
Feb 16, 2017
Mother Earth News’ Editor-in-Chief Hank Will, and Becky Tipton of the Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers’ Association, on making a living from small acreage.
Check the links below for topics mentioned in the podcast that may have piqued your interest:
Glass Gem CornUrban Bees Keep Dallas in Zip Code HoneyU. of...