Feb 28, 2019
In this episode of Mother Earth News and Friends, we discuss the considerations you need to take when keeping chickens during the colder months including diet, shelter, and choosing cold weather breeds.
Joining Charlotte for this conversation is Jeannette Beranger and Patricia Foreman (Pat).
Jeannette is the Senior...
Feb 14, 2019
In this episode, we discuss writing grants and finding free money to help your homestead dreams come true.
This podcast episode includes live audio from Michele's presentation at the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR.
Guests on this episode include:
Charlotte Brunin, Podcast Producer.
Jessica Mitchell, MOTHER EARTH NEWS...
Feb 2, 2019
In this episode, our conversation circles around Heritage breeds, why we love them, need to save them, and why we eat them.
The Holstein Dilemma - A production of Backyard Green Films