Dec 7, 2017
In this episode of MOTHER EARTH NEWS and Friends, our guests discuss the darlings of the barnyard, ducks: what to feed them, how to house them, their behavior and what they bring to the table.
Thank you to Brinsea for sponsoring this podcast episode!
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Nov 23, 2017
In this episode, Caleb Regan of Grit Magazine discusses how to properly process and prepare meat from older animal to create an enjoyable dining experience and a well-rounded market. Joining Caleb is Author Adam Danforth and International Livestock Market Consultant John Wilkes.
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Nov 9, 2017
In this episode of MOTHER EARTH NEWS and Friends Russel Mullin of Heirloom Gardener and I sat down with Helen Schnoes and Mary Miller of the Douglas County Food Policy Council to discuss how to work inside your city limits to gain agricultural rights for your community.
Oct 12, 2017
In this episode of MOTHER EARTH NEWS and Friends Charlotte Brunin and Kellsey Trimble, of Grit, sat down with Cindy Gibson and Sharon Dodds from the Guinea Fowl International Association to discuss how to care for, train, and interpret their behavior.
Thank you Brinsea for Sponsoring this episode!
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